
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 36 (edited with pictures)

Yes, I know. No post last week. I'm sorry. I didn't even get a picture taken! The problem is that I don't take the pictures until night time, and then I'm in my pajamas and I don't want to change. And blah blah blah. But I did take a picture this week! I also found a diaper bag. Hooray! I've been looking for one that wasn't pink, or blue, or green. And I found it! Hooray!

I also recently got a Boppy Nursing pillow. Good times. Today I've cleaned our bedroom so that baby Salt has some area to sleep in. Fun. (or not...) I'm trying to get everything ready in case she decides to come early, but motivation lacks most of the time. Nothing else new has really happened. I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday. I am not dialated at all. Boo. I'm going to have start walking a lot and hope that it starts things along!

Now to the picture. I just looked at it and decided I can not possible post it on this blog. It is far to hideous. So I will take another picture and update it later today!

Ok, here is this weeks picture, as suggested by my dad:
Ha Ha!! Get it? It's a beached whale!!! That's pretty much what I look like!
Here's a full body shot so that you can see how, big my stomach is compared to my body:
Let's just say that I'm ready for this baby to get here!

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